
Mid-Summer Check-In - Part 1
We're at the halfway point of the season, which always catches me by surprise. My son is an early riser, which means I'm out of bed to...

The Pressure Cooker vs Pace + Grace
When the heat feels endlessly high, the rain leans toward extreme drought or heavy flooding (without much in between), and pressures in...

Feeling the Change
Everyone I know has been touched by the events of the last few years, albeit quite differently. From internal and personal to broad and...

Red-Shouldered Hawk - A Totem
During some of the most changeable times in my life, the Red-Shouldered Hawk seems to come for a visit. One of the most memorable times...

The Crow Totem: Adaptability, Reflection, and Magic
Crows are a part of the same family in which Ravens, Magpies, and Jays reside. They are considered some of the most intelligent birds on...

If a Tree Falls in the Woods, I'm just Glad I'm still Standing
The following writing is shared from the Road Trip Adventure 2007, reflections, writing, and added memories from the journal kept while...