
Barred Owl Totem and Meanings: Small but Mighty
Barred Owls are a medium-large sized owl with mottled brown and white feathers. Bar-like vertical lines cover its breast and it has...

Great Horned Owl Totem - Viewing the Light through Shadow
Great Horned Owls, like other owl totems, is a messenger that links our world to the spirit world, the etheric. For me, I see them as a...

Red-Shouldered Hawk - A Totem
During some of the most changeable times in my life, the Red-Shouldered Hawk seems to come for a visit. One of the most memorable times...

The Crow Totem: Adaptability, Reflection, and Magic
Crows are a part of the same family in which Ravens, Magpies, and Jays reside. They are considered some of the most intelligent birds on...

Digital Detox: Not My Way, the Easy Way
Well, time to really practice what I preach. I take breaks from my phone throughout the day, leaving it in my purse or in a different...

Will You Let the Pesky Boulder Stop You?
Look closely at the photo to the left... This is a tree that has - and is! - growing around a boulder. What a treat to see and also gain...